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Content ID Claiming

What is a Content ID Claim?
If a video uploaded on YouTube contains any copyrighted material, it can receive an automated Content ID Claim. Their system scans for copyrighted material and places a claim on any video containing copyrighted works, whether a license is in place or not. Content ID claims are generated on behalf of individuals and organizations who have ownership of music, movies, TV shows, and various other forms of media. These claims serve as a protective measure against copyright infringement and the unauthorized utilization of their creative work. Because we are not a royalty-free site, Our artists and music labels have partnered with YouTube to establish an agreement that allows them to identify and monitor the usage of their songs in videos, ensuring proper tracking and monetization of their creative works.

If you receive a Content ID claim, it simply means that the system detected copyrighted material within your project.


What happens if I receive a claim on my video and I purchased a single song license?
Licensing music grants you the rights to use the song in your video legally, however, this does not grant you monetization rights on the artistā€™s material in your video. The copyright owner will earn advertising revenue (monetization). If you or your client would like to monetize the video, we can upgrade the current license that is in place to a Custom License to include the monetization rights and have the claim fully cleared. There will be an additional fee for this option.

Feel free to email support ( with the order ID found on your receipt, a direct URL link to the published video, as well as a screenshot of the claim showing the claimant information to get started.


What happens if I receive a claim on my video and I have a custom license?
This should not happen. We do our best to whitelist all custom license customers' YouTube channels. But if it does, please email us immediately and our team will promptly clear the claim.


Make people remember you, with music.Ā 

Research shows that what people listen to is more important to their sense of themselves than what they hear or read. Choice of music can actually become an extension of an individual's identity. Humans are continuously in the process of actively constructing, maintaining and communicating their identity.

Need music? Let's talk

Audilus has partnered with licensing agency Easy Song to assist with licensing requests. Learn more

See our FAQĀ Ā 

Ā© 2021 AudilusĀ®. All rights reserved.

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